Saturday, November 4, 2017


सबसे पहले तो आप सब का धन्यवाद जो आप मेरे ब्लॉग के साथ जुड़े हुए हो।सबसे पहले में आपको HP UNIV में MATH के पेपर कुछ बात बता चाहता हूँ आशा है यह बातें आप सब को बहुत मदत करेंगी। M.A/M.SC. MATH को HP UNIV ने दो साल की डिग्री कोर्स को चार भागों में बांटा गया है। प्रत्येक पेपर 60 अंक की होगी ओर हर पेपर को  तीन खंडों में विभाजित किया जाएगा। प्रत्येक खंड में तीन प्रश्न शामिल होंगे।


Subject-M101 Real Analysis-I

Section –I
The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral

Definition and existence of Riemann-Stieltjes integral, Properties of the Integral, Integration and differentiation. The Fundamental theorem of calculus. Integration of vector – valued functions. Rectifiable curves.

Section –II
Sequences and Series of Functions

Pointwise and uniform convergence, Cauchy Criterion for uniform convergence. Weierstrass M-Test. Abel’s and Dirichlet’s tests for uniform convergence. Uniform convergence and continuity. Uniform convergence and Riemann – Stieltjes integration. Uniform convergence and differentiation. Weierstrass approximation Theorem. Power series, Uniqueness theorem for power series. Abel’s and Taylor’s Theorems.

Section –III

Functions of Several Variables

Linear Transformations. Differentiation. Partial derivatives. Continuity of partial derivatives. The contraction Principle. The Inverse Function Theorem. The Implicit Function Theorem, Derivatives in an open subset of Rn , Chain rule, Derivatives of higher orders, The Rank Theorem. Determinants, Jacobians. 


Subject-M102 Advanced Algebra-I 

Section –I 

Conjugacy and G-Sets. Normal Series, Solvable Groups, Nilpotent Groups, Direct Products, Finitely Generated Abilian Groups, Invariants of a Finite abelian Groups, Syllow Theorems, Groups of Orders p2 , pq. 

Section – II 

Definition and Examples of Rings, Some Special Classes of Rings, Homomorphisms, Ideals and Quotient Rings, More Ideals and Quotient Rings and The Field of Quotients of an Integral Domain. Euclidean Rings, a Particular Eudclidean Ring, Polynomial Rings, Polynomials over the Rational Field, Polynomial Rings over Commutative Rings. 

Section – III 

Unitary Operators, Normal Operators, Forms on Inner Product Spaces, Positive Forms, More on Forms, Spectral Theory


Subject-M103 Ordinary Differential Equations

Section –I 

Existence and Uniqueness Theory

 Some Concepts from Real Function Theory. The Fundamental Existence and Uniqueness Theorem. Dependence of Solutions on Initial Conditions and on the Funcition f. Existence and Uniqueness Theorems for Systems and Higher-Order equations. 

The Theory of Linear Differential Equations 

Introduction. Basic Theory of the Homogeneous Linear System. Further Theory of the Homogeneous Linear System. The Nonhomogeneous Linear System. Basic Theory of the nthOrder Homogeneous Linear Differential Equation. The nth-Order Nonhomogeneous Linear equation. 

Section – II 

Sturm-Liouville Boundary-Value Problems 

Sturm-Liouville Problems. Orthogonality of Characteristic Functions. The Expansion of a Function in a Series of Orthonormal Functions. 

Strumian Theory 

The separation theorem, Sturm’s fundamental theorem Modification due to Picone, Conditions for Oscillatory or non-oscillatory solution, First and Second comparison theorems. Sturm’s Oscillation theorems. Application to Sturm Liouville System. 

Section – III 

Nonlinear Differential Equations 
Phase Plane, Paths, and Critical Points. Critical Points and paths of Linear Systems. Critical Points and Paths of Nonlinear Systems. Limit Cycles and Periodic Solutions. The Method of Kryloff and Bogoliuboff. 

M104 Operations Research-I

Section –I 

Hyperplane and hyperspheres, Convex sets and their properties, convex functions. Linear Programming Problem (LPP): Formulation and examples, Feasible, Basic feasible and optimal solutions, Extreme points. Graphical Methods to solve L.P.P., Simplex Method, Charnes Big M Method, Two phase Method, Degeneracy, Unrestricted variables, unbounded solutions, Duality theory, Dual LPP, fundamental properties of Dual problems, Complementary slackness, Dual simplex algorithin, Sensivity analysis. 

Section – II 

Integer programming: 

Gomory’s Method, Branch and Bound Method.

 Transportation Problem (TP): 

Mathematical formulation, Basic feasible solutions of T.Ps by North – West corner method, Least cost-Method, Vogel’s approximation method. Unbalanced TP, optimality test of Basic Feasible Solution (BFS) by U-V method, Stepping Stone method, degeneracy in TP. 

Assignment Problem (AP): 

Mathematical formulation, assignment methods, Hungarian method, Unbalanced AP. 

Section – III

 Goal programming Problem (GPP)

formulation of G.P. Graphical Goal attainment method, simplex method for GPP. 

Game theory: 

Two-person, zero-sum games, The maximin – minimax principle, pure strategies, mixed strategies, Graphical solution of 2xn and mx2 games, Dominance property, General solution of m x n rectangular games, Linear programming problem of GP. 

Network Techniques 

Shortest path model, Dijkastra algorithm, Floyd’s algorithm, Minimal Spanning tree, Maximal flow problem.

M.A./M.Sc. (Mathematics) First Semester Course

Section –I 

Continuum hypothesis, Newton’s Law of Viscosity, Some Cartesian Tensor Notations, General Analysis of Fluid Motion, Thermal Conductivity, Generalised Heat conduction. 

Fundamental Equations of Motion of Viscous Fluid 

Equation of State, Equation of Continuity, Navier – Stokes (NS) Equations (equation of Motion, Equation of Energy, Streamlines & Pathlines, Vorticity and Circulation (Kelvin’s Circulation Theorem). 

Section – II 

Dynamical Similarity (Reynold’s Law), Inspection Analysis- Dimensional Analysis, Buckingham – π - Theorem, and its Applications π –products and coefficients, Non-dimensional parameters and their physical importance. 

Exact Solutions of the N S Equations 

Steady Motion between parallel plates (a) Velocity distribution, (b) Temperature Distribution, Plane Couette flow, plane Poiseuille flow, generalized plane Couette flow. Flow in a circular pipe (Hagen-Poiseuille flow (a) velocity distribution (b) Temperature distribution. 

Section – III 

Flow between two concentric Rotating Cylinders (Couette flow): (a) Velocity distribution (b) Temperature distribution. 
Flow due to a plane wall suddenly set in motion, flow due to an oscillating plane wall. Plane Couette flow with transpiration cooling. Steady Flow past a fixed sphere: Stokes equation and Oseen’s equation of flow. Theory of Lubrication. Prandtl’s boundary layer equations, the boundary layer on a flat plate (Blassius equation), Characteristic boundary layer parameters.

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