Friday, August 4, 2017

Harappan civilization and major centers

Today I'm going to tell you about the Harappa civilization. All of you must know that the Harappan civilization is one of the ancient civilizations of India. Harappa civilization is India's first urban civilization. This civilization is believed to be approximately 5000 years old.


Harappan civilization

The first information about this civilization was found in the name of Harappan, hence most people are known by this name as the Harappan civilization.

Indus Valley Civilization

This civilization is also known by the name of the Indus Valley Civilization because in the beginning days, the main center of this civilization was found around the Indus River.

Bronze Age Civilization

This civilization was also called the Bronze Age civilization because excessive people used bronze. You used to make utensils, tools, murtis.

Harappan civilization information

The key resource for Harappa civilization is to depend on the mining department because the mining chief who has received the segments, the tools in it are his weapons sculptures. Moharana Jewellery was the main resource of this civilization.

Written information

We do not get written information of the Harappan civilization. Although there was a script which had some remnants of which the historians have been unable to read so far. Perhaps reading this script can also get more information on the side.

Major centers of Harappan Civilization

The earliest information about the Harappan civilization was in 1875 by Alexander Kärnheim. The Harappan civilization is almost one thousand close centers. The Harappan civilization was spread around 12,99,600 km. The main center of this civilization is described in this way.


Harappa was first discovered by 1921 by Dayaram Sahni. Harappa is situated on the banks of the river Rabi near modern Punjab of Pakistan, due to this, the name of this civilization was lying. Drains on the road were fixed here. The houses were made of pucca bricks. Harappa was the largest city of this civilization. To this town
To avoid the enemy, large walls were made around them.


The real meaning of Mohanjodaro is the knot of the dead because historians estimate that the city was made seven times and it would have been extinguished seven times. Mohanjodaro is located in Arakan district of Pakistan. It was also the main trading center. In Mohenjodaro we have also got a very bathing house and together with a bronze statue, which was also a dancer. There are also many pieces and ornaments. It was discovered in 1922 by Yehdas.


This center was discovered in 1951, the town was settled on the banks of river Sutlej. Here are many jewellery sculptures, pieces found.


Kali Banga is in Rajasthan. This place has been named Kali Banga due to black junk. This was discovered only in 1953. Here also we get information about this civilization.


Lothal falls in the name of Gujarat. Here, Harappan used to be the main port of civilization. From this
Trade with other countries was done.


Gholavira also falls in modern Gujarat. Here many tools are used to pierce the heart. Large reservoirs were found here, from which the fields were irrigated.


Alamgirpur falls in modern Uttar Pradesh. Here also the information about Harappan civilization is found.


This place of forest falls in the district of Haryana. Even here, jewelry, statues, stoves have been obtained during excavation.


Sagol This place is in the Ludhiana location of Punjab. Here is also information about the Harappan civilization.

Thanks, I hope you enjoyed this novel. You are most requested to share this novel as much as possible so that more people can read this.

In the next novel, i will tell you about the city plan and social life of the Harappan civilization.

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